Check Your Carbon Footprint
Welcome to the carbon footprint calculator. This unique tool can calculate the amount of carbon we emit in the environment. We end up emitting carbon in most of our activities, knowingly or un-knowingly. It is important to know which of our daily activities contribute to carbon emissions and by how much. Using this tool can make us careful, and also responsible, thereby adding lesser carbon in the environment. If we follow this practice, we can reduce carbon emissions by consciously choosing a way of life that is environment friendly. This is a fun tool and one that is interesting to use. You only need to provide basic information about the energy consumed for respective usages. By filling this information in a series of questions, we can calculate the total carbon emitted by us in our daily lives.
For example, the calculator provided by Carbon Footprint an independent website, provides us with different categories and option to measure you impact on the environment.
Why wait, click here and get going! Or Check your carbon footprint